Dowfile is completely free. All features are freely accessible. We maintain the service with our own means, which is why we depend mainly on donations
We use high-performance servers with very high bandwidth. We do not apply any restrictions on download speed.
All pages and file transfers are encrypted (download and upload). We use TLS1.2+, SHA256 and RSA-4096 for encryption (Proof).
Respecting our users is essential. We do not store any personal data, we do not sell anything.
We do not apply any limits.
- You download and upload at maximum speed.
- No limits on the number of files uploaded.
- No limit on file size.
Use Dowfile immediatly, no registration required. However, if you wish, you can use an email address to connect and have a detailed history of your uploads.
Many options are available for your uploads. Password, description, expiration date and much more.
Dowfile is in BETA version and is constantly evolving. Feel free to suggest new features through the contact page.